Life Coaching

Coaching can be for everyone. We never stop reaching for new ways to improve ourselves, however staying on a committed track can feel overwhelming at times. Having a system in place and unwavering support is a sure way to make room for long lasting change.

  Everything is interconnected from our home environment to our food choices. When we observe each aspect of our lives individually, we can establish the goals we desire to put in place for new habits that lead to success in all other areas .

  Flow wellness is a personalized approach to managing overall wellbeing with intention and devotion. Working together to design a program that will elevate your lifestyle, we mindfully guide each functioning aspect back into alignment.

Sound Bath Meditation

When we face cognitive overload, the mind and body never get a chance to recover or disengage. We become less productive, overwhelmed and depleted. Taking the time to unload the brain and calm down the autonomic nervous system is extremely important for peak performance and maintaining an overall grounded disposition.

The gentle, yet powerful frequencies that resonate from the sound bowls deepen relaxation in the mind and body allowing for surrender in the process of healing. Sound therapy is highly effective at reducing stress, depression, anxiety, sleep apnea, changing brain wave patterns, pain or discomfort in the body, and an increase in overall productivity.

Hawaiian Lomi Lomi


Lomi Lomi is Hawaiian style of bodywork that embodies the reverence of life and ancient wisdom. Hawaiians believe that there is “Mana” energy that exists deep in every cell of the body. That energy is then transmitted into our DNA from a downline of predecessors. It is the person who is currently living that holds all of the powerful wisdom and trauma coiled within the DNA energetically. This ceremonial work opens up energetic blockages imbedded in the system resulting in a “clean slate” for optimal living. When we can release unknown trauma from the body and spirit, we can become leaders and healers of our lives and in our communities.

Using nurturing fluid like strokes, the gentle work connects the individual with the land (‘aina), the spirit guides or ancestors (‘aumakua) and the breath of life (aloha). The bodywork is deeply relaxing, however, one soon learns this work is very therapeutic for healing and can be used for many ailments such as depression, anxiety, physical health, sleep, overall positivity and much more.


We are not all cut from the same cloth. While one individual may be perfectly fine eating meat, someone else may have a difficult time digesting it, leading to painful stomach discomfort or worse!

By taking the time to observe our current relationship with certain foods and how they affect our bodies, we can step into a space of awareness and personal power. Knowing what to eat and when to eat is something you can make work for FOR  you, not against you.

By making small shifts, we can create meals that give us vitality and energy without kicking our favorite foods to the curb.

Meal prepping is one of the best ways to stay on track with your food consumption, as well as your budget! Knowing how to grocery shop, prepping the food in multiple ways to reduce waste and creating recipes around those ingredients is my specialty. I love cooking healthy meals that taste great and don’t break the bank.

Fitness Training

Fitness is a great way to pump endorphins into the brain, which are “feel-good” neurotransmitters. You move out out the head and into the body for an explosion of relief from stress, depression and fatigue. You can quickly move from the flight or fight response to get back to making clear decisions. This is why when you feel exhausted or worried about something and you get a workout in anyway, you feel like a million bucks after!

I love to create fun, challenging workouts that meet each person’s individual goals whether it be to lose weight or gain muscle mass and flexibly. I’m all about high energy workouts such as tabata, boxing, kickboxing, weightlifting and interval training. I also interchange weekly workouts with recovery days incorporating, movement, yoga and stretching to ensure the body is always in a state of balance. Training can be done from the comfort of your home online or in person. All you need is the desire to take your fitness to the next level and you will see what you are truly capable of!

Essential Oil Specialist

Essential oils have been used for thousands of years all over the world. The healing properties of essential oils are some of the most potent and effective medicines we have on the planet.

I work with 100 percent pure essential oils, derived directly from the source in which they were grown. These oils can aid not only in managing physical health, but can also be a life saver for emotional support.

Learn more about how to incorporate essential oils into your daily routine. Make your own non-toxic cleaning blends, add them to your favorite recipes and more!